
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

One step closer

Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que escribí mi última entrada. Y la verdad es que han pasado muchísimas cosas en mi vida pero justo ahora no me siento con ánimos para contarlo todo.

Es curioso cómo lo último que escribí era que quería ir a Japón a estudiar, justo la semana pasada me bajaron de mi nube y si me voy a estudiar a otro país, pero no es Japón (es un secreto a donde me voy :P)

Me sentí muy triste cuando me informaron de esto, hice mucho berrinche porque al final no fue porque no tuviera el promedio o el idioma sino porque la burocracia dijo que a la institución le conviene más que esté en otro país. Sin embargo, es una oportunidad que no voy a desperdiciar. Estoy arriesgando mucho al irme a este lugar y dejo atrás muchas cosas que no quisiera, pero es un paso más en la dirección correcta para conseguir mis propios objetivos.


Thank you very much for the comment you wrote, I'm sorry I see it after so much, but believe me when I tell you it made cry a lot. Not only for the kind words in there but for realizing there was someone caring about this useless childish person who complains about everything. Thank you so much, I really hope we can get to know each other.


  1. I'm glad you did manage to get to study abroad. It is really a big chance. Leaving family and friends is a hard thing to do, but I'll cheer you from here. I believe in you, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
    Also, thanks for replying. In fact I wasn't even sure if this blog was being updated, but I'm really happy you get to read my comment. You see, I'm no one special; I'm just another human going through the same things than everyone. But sometimes, the only thing you need to get trough is to know that there is someone else going through the same problems than you do.
    By the way, I'm waaay too shy to, well, talk to you up close, and it'll get horribly awkward real fast, so I'll be happy if we can still chat like this if you want to.
    I thank you, Reila, and I wish you to be really, really happy. We all deserve that.

    1. I'm not that talkative either, so I'm fine with that ^^

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.



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